Year 8 Curriculum


Unit 1: Healthy Lifestyles

Learning Objective 1.1

To recognise and manage internal and external influences on decisions which affect health and wellbeing. The benefits of physical activity and exercise for physical and mental health and well-being; the importance of sleep and strategies to maintain good quality sleep. To recognise and manage what influences their choices about physical activity and how to access health services when appropriate.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective

Learning Objective 1.2

The importance of, and strategies for, maintaining a balance between school, work, leisure, exercise, and online activities. The role of a balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle and the impact of unhealthy food choices and what might influence decisions about eating a balanced diet and strategies to manage eating choices.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective

Learning Objective 1.3

The importance of taking increased responsibility for their own physical health including dental check-ups, sun safety and self-examination; the purpose of vaccinations offered during adolescence for individuals and society. Strategies for maintaining personal hygiene, including oral health and prevention of infection.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective