Year 8 Curriculum


Unit 4: Consent & Peer Pressure

Learning Objective 4.1

That consent is freely given; that being pressurised, manipulated or coerced to agree to something is not giving consent, and how to seek help in such circumstances. How to seek, give, not give and withdraw consent.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective

Learning Objective 4.2

The law relating to sexual consent; that the seeker of consent is legally and morally responsible for ensuring that consent has been given; that if consent is not given or is withdrawn, that decision should always be respected. The impact of sharing sexual images of others without consent and how to manage any request or pressure to share an image of themselves or others, and how to get help.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective

Learning Objective 4.3

How to recognise peer influence; the role peers can play in supporting one another to resist pressure and influence, challenge harmful social norms and access appropriate support and that the need for peer approval can generate feelings of pressure and lead to increased risk-taking; strategies to manage this.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective

Learning Objective 4.4

How to recognise peer influence and to develop strategies for managing it, including online.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective